
Align Pilates Studio offers Private Pilates instruction on the reformer, ladder barrel, chair, mat and small props utilizing the STOTT PILATES® method.


Private Sessions

Whether you are recovering from an injury, are pre/post-natal or want a detailed, personal approach to long-term well-being , private lessons are the perfect choice for you.  A standard Private Session is 60 minutes, designed specifically to meet your personal fitness or recovery goals. All programs are custom tailored to the individual needs and capabilities of my clients.

Your purchase of a monthly package will include:

  • An introduction to the Pilates Principles (Breath, Pelvic Placement, Rib Cage Placement, Scapular Movement and Stabilization and Head and Neck Placement). 

  • A personalized fitness regimen, utilizing the large equipment (reformer, ladder barrel and chair), mat and small props, dependent upon the needs and capabilities of the individual. 

  • An initial Postural Analysis, which I will use to tailor a workout specific to your needs. I will conduct another complimentary analysis as needed to help tailor your program.

My very favorite and SUPER talented Pilates instructor opened her own studio. If you’ve ever wanted to try Pilates, or work on getting happier in your body, call her. She rehabbed me after my disc replacement with such care and thoughtfulness.
— Ann V.

Postural Analysis

A 30-minute Postural Analysis tells me about how your unique body has adapted to the pull of gravity over time. Are you sitting in your hips as you stand? Is your back hunched? Is your head forward, etc?

A client's posture provides much information regarding the natural state of their tissues. Through postural analysis we may determine which areas of your body are under more strain than others, and which muscle groups may be causing this strain.

You will be asked to stand next to a plumb line (a line of gravity) so I can see how specific points of reference, or bony landmarks, line up in relation to each other.  I will use tactile feedback to discover rotations in the body, curvatures in the spine and which muscles are long and need shortening to bring you back to a neutral position.

*Please note: Your posture varies.  We have postural patterns that we fall into day in and day out.  These patterns are what I am aiming to determine.  Since this is not an exact science using specialized equipment, human error may occur.  Please understand that I will do my best to be as accurate as possible.